Top 3 essential products you need to have in your skincare routine

4 min readMay 16, 2021

ATTENTION! Your skin needs serious help right now! It needs to go through constructive surgery!

Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

But seriously, how many times have you bought several skincare products for your skin from every Instagram post of every blogger and have still struggled to get perfect moisturized skin at the end of the day? Because let’s be real! It hurts when you try your best by buying every brand product and not get the expected results. There are several steps to go through when you decide to perfect your skin care routine and many people love to use a thousand products on their skin. But today, we will be listing down three important products to buy for your skincare routine.


It is not an ordinary thing that your skin will not feel clean and fresh without a proper cleanser to back up your skincare. It has been proven by many skin specialists that a facial cleanser can help clean and remove make up, oil, dirt, dead skin cells and other pollutants from your skin helping to clear the oil and dirt from your pores. Now there are some cleansers that can not suit one’s skin and can either cause dryness and your skin maybe rough due to the reason that your skin is oily or you might be using the cleanser day and night before you go to sleep. So make sure to be careful of how you use your cleanser. Choose one that suits your skin type and is not too harsh on your skin when you go to apply and wash it. Make sure not to use your toner after you cleanse your face as many contain ingredients like alcohol and propylene glycol, which can intensify dryness, especially during winter.

Photo by Alexandra Tran on Unsplash


Now this is a must have in every girl’s makeup bag and skin care products. A moisturizer has been known to be a girl’s best friend ever since the early 1100s. The main attribute of using a good moisturizer is to make a girl’s skin feel smooth and hydrated without having to put on all of those extra heavy creams and serums. A moisturizer can give a person an all rounder hydrated effect and help prevent it from drying out quickly. When at times you feel like its a big hassle buying all of those unnecessary products such as eye creams, serums and sunscreens, a moisturizer will provide you with all of those necessary qualities and will moisturize your skin enough to avoid acne and any signs of aging. Most moisturizers also have SPF15 or 30 to help protect your skin from sun rays, that way any chances of skin cancer will reduce. Which is why it is important that we use moisturizer every time we exfoliate or even wash our faces in order to lock in the moisture and help soothe the skin if one has dry and patchy skin.

Photo by michela ampolo on Unsplash

Lip Balm

This is one of the main and significant steps in a skincare routine and has always been a girl’s life partner ever since the discovery of beeswax in 200 BC and palm oil in 500 BC. The introduction of lip balm began in 1880s by a physician in Virginia and has even proven its significance ever since as girls and boys have been using chap sticks and liquid lip balms to moisturize their lips. According to Times Of India, by using lip balms you are not only saving yourself from the embarrassment of chapped lips but you are also healing your lips faster as the skin on your lips is thinner than the skin on your face and using a lip balm will help prevent any damage made to the lips. Also some lip balms such as Maybeline and Vaseline, have SPF as well and can save your lips from the harmful rays of the sun. So girls and boys! To protect your lips start using lip balms!

Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

With these products you can pretty much say that your skincare routine can be complete with using only three of these products that are proven to be effective to many.

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash




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